Tooth Prosthesis

Tooth Prosthesis

What is Dental Prosthesis?

Dental prostheses are materials that cover only a part or all of the tooth in order to replace the loss of material in existing teeth or to change their appearance aesthetically.
They can also be made to replace missing teeth.

Removable Dental Prostheses

Removable dentures are full or partial dentures that can be worn and removed.

Fixed Dental Prostheses

  • Metal-supported dentures: Aesthetically, they are not preferred for anterior teeth.
    They are more cost-effective than other types of dentures.
  • Full porcelain zirconium dentures: These are teeth made entirely of porcelain with no metal in the substructure.
    It can be preferred aesthetically.
  • Emax porcelain: Today, they are the materials that give the closest results to natural.
    They are prostheses that need to be worked with a special technique and hand workmanship is important.
    For this reason, dentists should work with dental technicians and dental laboratories specialized in this field.
    They are prostheses that are frequently used in aesthetic dentistry.

Aesthetic Dental Prostheses

Aesthetic smile design should be planned individually.
When designing a smile, it is necessary to use the existing teeth in their natural state as much as possible.

  • If there is no problem with the form of your teeth, only their position needs to be corrected (such as crowding or tooth spacing), orthodontic treatment will be suitable for you.
  • If you need to make some changes in both the form and position of your teeth, it is most natural to treat your teeth as little as possible with minimal material loss.
    First of all, your tooth positions are corrected with orthodontic treatment.
    The deformities in your teeth are corrected with tiny restorative touches.
    If the deformities and loss of material in your teeth are high, combined treatment with lamina treatment can be applied.
  • If there are bite problems in your teeth; such as the chewing surfaces of the back teeth not touching properly, too much or too little distance between the upper and lower front teeth, in this case, the bite should be corrected with orthodontic treatment first.
    If there are form problems in the teeth, restorative dental treatments can be performed after orthodontic treatment.
  • If there is no bite problem or any position problem in your teeth, if you only need to change the forms of your teeth; in this case, only restorative treatments can be applied without orthodontic treatment( such ascomposite filling or lamina treatments).

You can find lamina treatments and other types of restorative treatments (composite bonding, etc.) under aesthetic dentistry.