Pediatric orthodontic treatments include braces, invisalign treatment and appliance treatments. Depending on the type of tooth and jaw problems, sometimes two-stage orthodontic treatment is required. In the first stage; treatment is performed with apparatus suitable for the growth and development periods of the child for jaw positions. In the second stage, orthodontic treatment should be performed for tooth positions. This treatment can be either braces or Invisalign orthodontic treatment without braces.
Some jaw problems in children can manifest themselves even before all the teeth have erupted. These jaw problems are sometimes noticed by the parents themselves, but most of the time they are detected by the orthodontist during the orthodontic examination. For this reason, it is very important for families to have their children examined by an orthodontist around the age of 7, even if there is no problem. While the orthodontist may intervene immediately in some problems, in some cases he may want to follow up regularly.
The first orthodontic problems in children appear around the age of 7. While some orthodontic problems need to be intervened immediately, in some cases they need to be followed up with regular orthodontic control. Regular follow-up of children’s oral and dental health ensures that any dental problems that may occur in the future are prevented.
Intervention at the right time is very important in jaw problems. Asymmetry or disproportion in jaw growth and development can be seen as a result of orthodontic problems that are not intervened early. For orthodontic treatment in children, families should be cautious and should not neglect orthodontic problems.
After the orthodontic treatments are finished, it is very important to have reinforcement treatment. Reversible orthodontic problems are not related to the age of the child. Some mistakes made in reinforcement treatment can cause teeth to return.
Not all orthodontic problems are related to teeth. Early intervention is very important, especially in problems with jaw relationships. There may be situations that need to start before the milk teeth fall out. The orthodontist will determine the correct timing of treatment.
Absolutely. Even if there is no problem with your child’s jaw development. Milk teeth that need to be removed prematurely can cause orthodontic problems. You should be examined by an orthodontist without wasting time. The orthodontist will take the necessary measures.
No, no, no. In some cases, the orthodontic problem can be prevented by using only the direction of eruption of the teeth without using any orthodontic materials. This requires early orthodontic examination and regular follow-up.
In this case, you should request an appointment with your orthodontist. When we properly explain that braces are necessary for your child’s health, it will be easier to get cooperation and motivation.
Today, it is possible to perform orthodontic treatment without wires with digital orthodontics. With INVISALIGN clear aligner treatment, orthodontic treatment can be performed on children without wearing braces. You can contact our clinic for details.