Accelerated orthodontic treatments (Acceledent); It is realized with a tool that allows to accelerate tooth movement during treatment and shorten the braces treatment time by emitting vibration force to the teeth and the alveolar structure around the teeth.
The most common concern of patients in orthodontic treatments is the duration of treatment. The AcceleDent ultrasonic system vibrates the teeth at a specific frequency (30hz) for 20 minutes during the day. Orthodontic tooth movement is realized through bone remodeling. The vibrating motion provided by the Acceledent accelerates bone remodeling.
There are other methods that increase the rate of tooth movement by accelerating bone remodeling. However, these methods are achieved by performing a surgical procedure on the bone. These surgical procedures include creating microcracks in the alveolar bone, accelerating tooth movement, etc. methods (Source; Contemporary Orthodontics, William R. Proffit, Fifth Edition, 2012).
Acceledent, on the other hand, accelerates tooth movement by vibration alone, safely and without surgery. Acceledent is an FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved product. Orthodontics shortens treatment times and provides the opportunity to achieve healthy and beautiful teeth faster.
The FDA-approved Acceledent device is used for 20 minutes a day during treatment or for 3-4 months. The duration and method of use of Acceledent is determined by the orthodontist who will perform the treatment. This device, which is very easy to use, works at a certain frequency and vibrates the teeth. This method, which can shorten the average treatment time by 20%, offers an alternative solution for patients with long orthodontic treatment. Although the application of braces may vary according to the shape of the orthodontic problem, it is a medium and long-term orthodontic treatment. It is important for orthodontic patients how long the braces will remain in work and private life.
Important studies have been carried out in the field of rapid orthodontic treatment in recent years. With the FDA-approved Acceledent, an important innovation in this field, an orthodontic treatment that would take two years with normal treatment methods can be completed in 1-1.5 years with Acceledent.
In orthodontic treatments with tooth extraction with the Acceledent device, it is seen that the closing time of the extraction cavity is significantly shortened in the distalization of the canine tooth.