Root Canal Treatment (Endodontics)

Root Canal Treatment (Endodontics)

What is Root Canal Treatment (Endodontics)?

Root canal treatment (endodontics) is the process of cleaning the dental nerves and vessels and filling the dental canals.
The tooth loses its vitality as a result of the progression of tooth decay or infection of the dental nerves from micro leaks in tooth fractures.

Root canal treatment or tooth filling?

When the infection in the tooth progresses too far and cannot be saved by filling, root canal treatment is required.
With root canal treatment, the canals of the tooth are filled.
A tooth filling is made on it.

Is root canal treatment a painful procedure?

When root canal treatment is performed, the tooth is anesthetized.
Therefore, there is no toothache.

Is there pain after root canal treatment?

In some cases, mild pain may occur after root canal treatment.
Especially during chewing, the forces on the tooth may cause pain.
It can be controlled with painkillers.

In which cases can root canal treatment be repeated (retreatment)?

If the nerve tissue is not completely cleaned in the tooth that has previously undergone root canal treatment, if there is incomplete root canal filling or unfilled root canal, infection occurs again in the tooth over time.
It may manifest itself with toothache or be detected on x-rays.
In this case, it is necessary to repeat the root canal treatment.